May 04, 2014

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Sony developed a type of tape can store 200 TB of data

Sony's technology may not be posted on the PC but has important implications for the supercomputer vendors or hosting services.

 Sony recently announced that it has successfully developed the magnetic tape material (magnetic tape) can store up to 148 GB of data on one square inch - a storage density is extremely high compared to the tape storage today. Japanese technology company says this will help them create ice box (tape cartridge) with a capacity of up to 185 TB.

For comparison, tape storage technology LTO-6 (Linear Tape-Open) previously, the storage density 2-gigabit per square inch, allowing the creation of tape cartridge capacity 2.5 TB. According to Sony, to create the material, they have one type of technology used to create thin film vacuum (vacuum thin film-forming) called sputtering (sputter) deposition. This process involves spray (shoot) the argon ion polymer films on substrates, creating magnetic layer crystals.

 Sony's technology can not be commercialized for ordinary users (posted on PC), but it has important implications for supercomputers or service providers are required to store the storage solutions with extremely large capacity.

Source: Sony

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