May 15, 2013

Fingerprint technology will appear in the new Iphone

About knowledgeable has said, in the next version of the iPhone (probably iPhone 5S or iPhone 6), Apple will abandon the design and physical home button instead of touch buttons.

According to tech site BGR on 15/5, the next generation iPhone will still have designs like the current version of the iPhone 5. The only difference is the physical home button instead of touch buttons.

Especially around the surface of the touch home button will be mounted sapphire stones and is equipped with a fingerprint sensor to receive dangdau, combined with intelligent virtual assistant, Siri for more security in the open air.

Home TechNews Technology (Taiwan) sapphire material that will appear on the next version of the iPhone in the camera behind layers of protection, allowing iPhone more luxurious and more certain.

Reportedly, the iPhone can add technology with fingerprint security has been many experts predict. As before, Apple bought the company that specializes in security technologies and AuthenTec fingerprint recognition in 2012 with more than $ 350 million amount.

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